Women's March

Women's March


Bridgeview Park Houghton Michigan
Michigan US
Saturday, October 2, 2021 - 1:00pm

Gather at Bridgeview Park in Houghton by 1pm.

The Women’s March Is Back in October to Rally for Reproductive Rights

LWVCC will participate in Houghton 1 p.m. Saturday Oct 2. Gather at Bridgeview Park in Houghton and walk up to the Bridge. Do not obstruct pedestrians or traffic. Bring signs (not obscene). 

Organizers are calling for nationwide action on Saturday, October 2.   “On October 2, we're marching in every single state ahead of the Supreme Court reconvening on October 4. Women's March and more than 90 other organizations, are organizing a national call to mobilize and defend our reproductive rights.” Pledge to march with us and over 90 organizations to #DefendAbortion: https://t.co/l2M5GOCYb3 pic.twitt er.com/jqzs8ghCv2 LWVUS statement: The League believes every person deserves access and the privacy to make their own reproductive choices, and we will continue the fight for reproductive justice in Texas and across the nation. Read our statement with LWV of Texas in response to this ruling. (https://www.lwv.org/newsroom/press[1]releases/league-women-voters-response-scotus-failure[1]block-texas-abortion-law? utm_source=LeagueUpdate&utm_medium=email&ut m_campaign=09092021

On Saturday, October 2, the ‘Women’s March’ will convene in Washington, DC, LWVUS will be present in the Washington DC march , with sister marches around the country to defend reproductive rights in light of the SCOTUS ruling. LWVUS plans to support the march by showing up in person and promoting it across social media.

As always, please follow local safety COVID guidelines for in-person activities and refer to our protest safety guidelines on the League Management Site. (https://www.lwv.org/league-management/lwvus-protest[1]safety-guidance? utm_source=LeagueUpdate&utm_medium=email&utm_ campaign=09092021)