The Early History of
Civil Rights Cases
at the
Michigan Supreme Court
Speaker, Joseph J. Gavin, is the current president of the Michigan Supreme Court Historical Society and a licensed attorney of nearly two decades
Tuesday, February 11th at 6:00 - 7:30P.M. EST
The Michigan Supreme Court’s history of civil rights cases is a complicated legacy. In this presentation, Joseph J. Gavin will begin to unpack some of its earliest decisions and their legacy.
League of Women Voters of Detroit and the Detroit Public Library are partnering in talks promoting voter education and tools for action.
A Zoom link will be sent to registrants before the program.
Zoom auto-transcription is routinely initiated. If further accommodation for accessibility is needed, please notify the Knapp Branch of the Detroit Public Library by 4:00 p.m. Eastern the Thursday before the program to address your need if possible.
A few weeks after the program, a recording will be posted on the DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY YOUTUBE CHANNEL and on the Detroit League's website at: LWVDETROIT.ORG