Public Education

Public Education

We support an adequately and fairly financed public education system that provides each child equal access and equal opportunity, and a safe environment to develop his/her potential as a contributing member of society.
Position In Brief: 

The League supports an adequately and fairly financed public education system that provides each child equal access and equal opportunity, and a safe environment to develop his/her potential as a contributing member of society. 

 We support:

  • Educational opportunities for all children, including special needs children,
  • Adequate classroom facilities, special services (art, music, etc),
  • Adequate salaries for personnel,
  • Advisory involvement of administration, teachers, and citizens, 
  • Alternative education programs,
  • Cooperation between school districts and other units of government,
  • Before and after school programs,
  • Community education. 
League to which this content belongs: 
Northwest Wayne County