Making Democracy Work in California

Making Democracy Work in California


Support of election procedures which enable citizens to carry out their rights and duties as voters.


Support of measures that would sustain a balance of power between the Mayor and the City Council, strengthen direct lines of authority, and fix responsibility in City administration.


Promote an open governmental system that is representative, accountable and responsive.


The League of Women Voters of Connecticut believes that the political process must be open to all citizens and that the right to vote with confidence in the election process and with adequate information with which to make informed decisions must be guaranteed for all.
hand to ear, listening
Event Date: 
Jan 20 2018 03:00 pm to 04:30 pm
Event location: 

Cedar Room, Lafayette Community Center

This month for our 3rd Saturday program on January 20th we will meet in the Cedar Room of the Lafayette Community Center to review our PROGRAM PRIORITIES and set our course for the next year.  Recommendations from this meeting will be sent to LWVU


BRIEF SUMMARY: The LWVDV supports high standards for campaigns.


LWV-Vermont supports ranked choice voting (RCV), for all statewide elections.


We support action to protect the citizen's right to know, to facilitate citizen participation in government and to oppose major threats to basic constitutional rights.


We promote an open governmental system that is representative, accountable, responsive and capable of making decisions.

As we continue to discuss the possibility of co-sponsoring a series of public engagement meetings around Fresno, including downtown, we are also hoping to secure a grant to finance speakers, site rental, publicity and printing, and refreshments.


Chair:  Marianne Kast: fourkasts [at]
