Local Government

Local Government

We support measures to further good government through the support of non-partisanship in local government and the support of legislation which permits increased flexibility in California State law governing general law counties.


Charter Home Rule


Support improvement of the quality of urban life


Support regulation of growth and optimum use of land in the county


Support fiscal measures to fund essential government services


Support ethical, efficient and effective city/county government


Support a county-wide public library system


The League of Women Voters of Benton and Franklin Counties supports adequate funding for necessary programs and services, recognizing local citizen responsibility for funding programs and services.


The League of Women Voters of Benton and Franklin Counties supports bi-county cooperation in providing services and in planning for new facilities and programs.
Event Date: 
Jan 12 2019 09:30 am to Jan 13 2019 11:45 am
Event location: 

Peace Lutheran Church

Guest speakers Nancy Baglietto, Director of Hospitality House and Mike Dent, Nevada County Director of Housing will explain the new sources of state funding, directed at alleviating chronic homelessness in Nevada County.  They will also discuss cu

Event Date: 
Feb 09 2019 09:30 am to Feb 10 2019 11:45 am
Event location: 

Peace Lutheran Church

Nevada County has a thriving and valuable presence statewide in providing medical cannabis to patients.  Regulatory and economic developments in recent years have brought the future viability of the medical cannabis model into question
