Local Government

Local Government

We support measures to further good government through the support of non-partisanship in local government and the support of legislation which permits increased flexibility in California State law governing general law counties.


The League supports local self-government for the City of Kent.


We support an assured, stable, adequate and fiscally sound source of funding for the Long Beach Public Library. Following a local study, this position was adopted at the Annual Meeting of the LWV/LBA on May 21, 1997.


We support Police/Community Relations which protect and balance the rights and responsibilities of the police and of the community.


We support a housing policy that recognizes, as a basic need, housing that is affordable, decent, safe and sanitary.


We support a humane and fiscally responsible public social policy.


We support a role for Commissions that emphasizes maximum public participation in the decision making process of government.


We want our city to be attractive, safe, and economically healthy with diversified urban amenities reflecting the desires of its residents and respecting the integrity of its unique assets. Redevelopment, when adopted as a means to this end, should consider personal and social needs as well as economic requirements and should be accountable to the citizens and/or their elected representatives.


We support the following revisions in the objectives of the Long Beach City Government position:

The LWV California campaign helped produce this video in 2015 to restore revenue to schools, public services and infrastructure repair.

Rutgers Eagleton Institute of Politics: Center for American Women and Politics: This organization posts fact sheets on the numbers of women in government
