Support regulation of growth and optimum use of land in the county
Position In Brief: 

LWVNCC supports the regulation of growth and optimum use of land in New Castle County through a comprehensive planning policy;  monitoring of land use policies and procedures in NCC and their relationship to human needs, population trends, transportation planning, and ecological and socioeconomic factors; and encouragement of continuing cooperation among governmental agencies.

New Castle County/City of Wilmington/City of Newark
Support for:
▪ A comprehensive planning policy which includes:
- Necessary implementing ordinances and their enforcement.
- Impact fees on new development
- Transit as an important factor in controlling development.
- The realized interconnectedness between land use and transportation planning.
- Provision for heterogeneous communities (Planned Unit Development or new towns) which include different types of housing, commerce, light industry and/or community facilities.
▪ Strict control of development in flood plain areas.
▪ Preservation of farmland, open space, and natural areas, specially the stream areas.
▪ Coordination among agencies and various levels of government involved in land use.
▪ Provisions for informed and active participation of citizens in governmental planning process.
▪ Favorable tax treatment for farm and non-farm open land as part of a comprehensive policy for preserving open land.
- A roll-back in taxes and/or other tax measures to recover lost public revenue should be considered when open land is rezoned, subdivided or sold for development.

City of Newark
▪ Within the City of Newark; land acquisition, development and maintenance of recreation areas and a professionally staffed parks and recreation program adequate to meet the needs of the residents.

League to which this content belongs: 
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