Local Government

Local Government

We support measures to further good government through the support of non-partisanship in local government and the support of legislation which permits increased flexibility in California State law governing general law counties.


The League of Women Voters believes that to continue improvement of the management of county government, the following should be done: an annual review and update of basic goals and priorities and of county issues and procedures; the hiring of professional staff; continuation of interdepartmental cooperation; ongoing orientation and continuing education for all employees; and continued emphasis on technology planning, development and training.


The county’s planning-the land use plan, the North Corridor plan, the five year road plan, and strategic planning by the Board of Supervisors should continue with a focus on setting goals, prioritizing courses of action, and developing implementation and financing strategies. Such planning must include mechanisms for review and official involvement of the county’s citizens and local governmental entities.


The League of Women Voters supports a Home Rule Charter for Johnson County.


The League of Women Voters believes that good government for Johnson County should be accessible, goal-directive, cost effective and proactive.


The League supports the concept of a home rule charter for Iowa City and the specific charter that was adopted in 1973.


The League of Women Voters of Johnson County supports a council-manager form of government for Iowa City.

These are the internal minutes notes from the Action Committee Meeting. (Members Only).

Lobby Days January 23-24 Tallahassee text on a Purple background with a Gold State of Florida graphic

League of Women Voters of Florida (LWVFL) epitomizes the League of Women Voters’ mission and vision with its annual Lobby Days in Tallahassee. Local League leaders from across the state convened to learn from the experts about what is and will be happening in the 2024 Florida Legislature. And then they converged on the Capitol to talk to individual legislators and attend committee meetings and legislative sessions.

Diverse group of women facing the camera along the top with Meet & Mobilize text below in a white background

The Meet & Mobilize Collaborative Initiative was formed from the Meet & Mobilize event in January. The collaborative is made up of nonpartisan community organizations, including Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. Delta Sigma Zeta Chapter, the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. Gainesville Alumnae Chapter, The Visionaires Club, The Links Inc. Gainesville Chapter, and LWV of Alachua County. The aim is to create meaningful partnerships as we enter the 2024 election season through education, engagement and empowerment. It is evident that our voices are more vital when we unite and collaborate; it is a testament to the power of collective action. Working together will strengthen and maintain our democracy and our community.

Judge using a gavel
Research & Studies

Have you ever wondered how judges and justices are appointed or elected? Or perhaps you’re curious about the impact of your vote on local decisions and legal precedents?
