Local Government

Local Government

We support measures to further good government through the support of non-partisanship in local government and the support of legislation which permits increased flexibility in California State law governing general law counties.

Gainesville Regional Utilities (GRU) Sign brown background with gold logo and brick base with gold letters

UPDATE as of Jan. 8: At least two local papers ran articles about Rep. Chad Johnson's bill and 960 people sent emails objecting to the bill. The bill has been tabled. For now.

There is another attack on GRU coming. Attend the Legislative Delegation meeting on Jan. 9 at 1 p.m. at Santa Fe College to show your support for GRU. Can't attend in person? Send an email to the delegation. The most important thing we can do is to participate in local government. This is a prime opportunity.

Representative Chuck Brannan Letterhead
Event Date: 
01/09/2025 - 1:00pm
Event location: 

Santa Fe College

Press release from the Office of Representative Chuck Brannan: The Alachua County Legislative Delegation will be holding its annual public hearing on Thursday, Jan. 9 at 1:00 p.m. The meeting will be held in the Joseph W. Fordyce Building (R-01) on the campus of Santa Fe State College at 3000 NW 83 Street in Gainesville. The public is encouraged to attend this opportunity to request legislation or state funding, as well as to express opinions on any other matter of state concern ahead of the 2025 Legislative Session.


by Anna Honda and Joanne Supersad, Action Committee co-chairs 


On December 5, 2024, the League of Women Voters of Wellesley held our annual information session for anyone interested in running for Town Meeting or one of Wellesley’s Boards in our town's March 2025 election.  With our panel of civic all-stars,

The League and local leaders encourage a YES vote on At-Large Districts in white and gold text on a purple background

The League and local leaders encourage a YES vote on At-Large Districts. Disinformation FALSELY claiming that the NAACP and Black local leaders are opposed to at-large districts have arrived in mail boxes. Again.

At Large Map Graphic

Shall the five members of the board of county commissioners of Alachua County, Florida, be elected by all electors within the county at large? League of Women Voters Recommendation: Vote YES, even as the referendum is challenged in court. Learn why....

Nevada County Board of Education candidate forum

The Nevada County Board of Education Trustee Area 2 was the first of four candidate forums in this election cycle. Candidates Timothy May (incumbent) and Alvin Gebhart answered many questions from the community on issues ranging from bullying in schools to school finance.

School kids running into building

The LWVAC supports continuing support for educational and other services to Alachua County K-12 students and recommends voting YES on this issue. Learn why...

At Large Map Graphic

The LWVAC supports at large voting of commissioners because, in Alachua County, it promotes racial justice. It is also associated with gender equity, contributes to a cohesive governing body with a county-wide focus and avoids the risks and potential conflict of gerrymandering. Here’s what you need to know about the LWVAC’s stance supporting at-large Alachua County commissioners...

Exclamation point inside a red triangle

Action Alerts

City of Gainesville residents will see a referendum on the November election ballot that will determine the future control of Gainesville Regional Utilities (GRU). In 2023, local control of this municipal utility was removed by the state legislature and given to a governor-appointed Authority. The November referendum will allow Gainesville voters to have a say in whether they prefer to return control to local officials (Yes vote) or if they want control to remain with the governor’s appointees (No vote.) Today, we are asking you to do two things...
