Local Government

Local Government

We support measures to further good government through the support of non-partisanship in local government and the support of legislation which permits increased flexibility in California State law governing general law counties.

Janice holding sunflower
Blog Post

Dear Members,

It takes twelve bees, each visiting about 150 flowers to withdraw nectar, to make a single teaspoon of honey (a quick Google search with the consensus of numerous honeybee organizations). Each bee will fly up to five miles to harvest from a good nectar source. Your LWV of Alachua County has been busy as bees. And that’s saying something!

Map of Lee Property and Hickory Sink

Action Alerts

The Alachua County Board of County Commissioners (BoCC) recently heard an initial request for a large-scale development on 4000+ acres known as the Lee Property. LWVAC is asking the BoCC to reject this initial request, called a Special Area Study, until all efforts to secure funding for preserving the entire property are exhausted.

Map of Lee Property and Hickory Sink

The Alachua County Board of County Commissioners (BoCC) recently heard an initial request for a large-scale development on 4000+ acres known as the Lee Property. LWVAC is asking the BoCC to reject this initial request, called a Special Area Study, until all efforts to secure funding for preserving the entire property are exhausted. If no effort is made to secure this funding, then LWVAC will oppose the project.

homeless person sleeping under bridge
Event Date: 
Oct 20 2022 05:30 pm

Join the Local Issues Committee on the third Thursday of each month for discussions and action planning around issues most important to Alachua County residents.

homeless person sleeping under bridge
Event Date: 
Sep 15 2022 05:30 pm

NOTICE: The September Local Issues meeting has been canceled. We look forward to seeing you in October.

Janice holding sunflower
Blog Post

Dear Members,
Let’s begin this message with some inspiration. Jay Rosenbek, co-chair of our Natural Resources Committee, has been accepted to serve on the Alachua County Environmental Protection Advisory Committee (EPAC).

Janice holding sunflower
Blog Post

Dear Members,
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy. The mission of the League of Women Voters is my mission as the newly elected president of the Alachua County League. I’m happy to join you in that endeavor.

Observer training image
Event Date: 
Jun 15 2022 06:30 pm
Event location: 

Wheaton Public Library

The League Observer Corps monitors local government bodies for information of importance to the League and to our communities. Observing is a vital aspect of our civic engagement mission.


Township government should be accessible, transparent, and fiscally sound.
