Citizen’s Right to Vote

Citizen’s Right to Vote

Protect the right of all citizens to vote; encourage all citizens to vote.

Living Room Conversation logo
Event Date: 
Nov 13 2023 07:00 pm to 08:00 pm
Event location: 


The Voting Rights Act became law more than 50 years ago. Join us to discuss its relevance in protecting one of the most fundamental rights in our democracy.

In partnership with the Wheaton Public Library.

Vote - Democracy is not a Spectator Sport

The LWVSC participated in Voter Registration/Get Out the Vote Day on September 20th. The event was hosted by Professor Emily Lynch.  Keynote speaker was Secretary of State Greg Amore.

Register to Vote
Event Date: 
Oct 14 2023 11:00 am to 05:00 pm
Event location: 

DuPage County Fairgrounds

The League of Women Voters of Wheaton will host a Voter Registration table during the Native American Harvest POW WOW on Saturday, October 14, from 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. at the DuPage County Fairgrounds, 2015 N. Manchester Road, Wheaton.

Voter Registrars
Event Date: 
Sep 05 2023 06:30 pm
Event location: 

Judy Beaver

Become a Voter Registrar!

Gavel - Social and Criminal Justice

Advocates of democracy were relieved when the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) ruled definitively against the Independent State Legislative Theory. SCOTUS validated the authority state constitutions and courts have over redistricting.

Gavel - Social and Criminal Justice

The recent ruling in Allen v. Milligan demonstrates SCOTUS continues to support the Voting Rights Act. Chief Justice Roberts clearly lays out the conditions and criteria SCOTUS will be using to decide upcoming cases.

Interacting with the public at the French Market
Event Date: 
Jun 24 2023 08:00 am to 02:00 pm
Event location: 

Downtown Wheaton

We’ll be at the French Market only once this summer. Our Environment Committee will highlight our advocacy for local environmental issues. We’ll ask questions about the environment with our ‘spin the wheel’ game.

Transformative Justice Florida Stop of Juneteenth Stay Woke Rolling Protest
Event Date: 
Jun 21 2023 11:30 am
Event location: 

Quality Life Center

The Transformative Justice Coalition, (TJC), has used the John Lewis Votercades and Celebration Villages concept to raise a local community's awareness about issues confronting the community and to encourage the community's political participation

League of Women Voters
Event Date: 
May 16 2023 07:00 pm

The League of Women Voters of Virginia will be holding pre Convention Caucuses for delegates, observers and all members of the LWV of Virginia. These events will be virtual to allow everyone the opportunity to participate.

Vote 411

Early voting has begun 

Remember to compare your choices for the April 4th election. No cell phones allowed but you can print your choices to take to the poles with you! 

