Increasing Voter Registration

Increasing Voter Registration

As the nation’s largest and longest-standing grassroots voter registration organization, we work year-round to make sure all eligible Americans—especially first-time voters, non-college youth, new citizens, communities of color, and low-income Americans—have the opportunity to register and vote.

Read more on LWVUS »



The League of Women Voters of Connecticut believes that the political process must be open to all citizens and that the right to vote with confidence in the election process and with adequate information with which to make informed decisions must be guaranteed for all.

Register to Vote!

Register to vote online or use paper registration forms which are available in public libraries, post offices, government offices, and the DMV. If you call your County Election Office, they will mail you a registration form.

To register online you will need:

2024 Elections Banner

Connecticut voters deserve access to accurate information about the voting process, the administration of our elections in Connecticut, the candidates running for office, and any referendum questions on the ballot. Get all your questions answered about the upcoming elections and access voter outreach resources for print and digital sharing.

LWV WI Issues Briefing 2017
Event Date: 
Oct 28 2017 12:00 am to 11:45 pm
Event location: 

Madison College, Truax Campus

Nearly 120 League members and friends attended LWV WI’s State Issues Briefing on October 28 at Madison College. Here are summaries and resources from the day of presentations and small group sessions.

New citizens register to vote following naturalization
Blog Post

This week I had the opportunity to attend a naturalization ceremony and see LWV-Milwaukee County (LWV MC) volunteers in action as they helped new citizens register to vote in Wisconsin.


The League of Women Voters of Vermont kicked off the Fall season with a successful Celebration of the 19th Amendment with a Happy Hour held in Montpelier at the end of August.


Sixty-Seven new citizens from 27 countries took the oath of allegiance in the House Chamber of the State House on September 11.


For the first time since 2009, the June Carmichael Award for outstanding service to the League was presented, to Karen Bufka from the Northeast Kingdom group.

photo of Voter Services committee member w/ new voter
Public Statement

The League of Women Voters of Sussex County, DE, celebrated National Voter Registration Day on Tuesday, September 26th by holding two voter registration events at Delaware Technical Community College.

Event Date: 
Sep 27 2017 06:30 pm to 08:30 pm
Event location: 

Denny's - First/Shaw

She will inform us on different voting topics in Fresno County. 
