We are all equal at the ballot box, but only if we vote. We engage millions of voters every year ensuring Americans have the information they need to participate in elections that determine our future.
Meghan Jop, Executive Director of General Government Services, and Eric Arbeene, Planning Director, will be our keynote speakers at this important community dialogue.
Please join us as we return to meeting in person with a Brown Bag Lunch and Round Table Discussion on Strengthening Community through a new Welcome Ambassador pilot program. We are resurrecting a charished LWVW tradition as we
LWV of Alachua County is tabling at Gainesville's Pride Festival. Join us to assist attendees with voter registration (training required) and voter education. We will also be collecting petition signatures.
LWV of Alachua County is tabling at the NAACP Health Fair to assist attendees with voter registration (training required) and voter education. We will also be collecting petition signatures.
At this Oak Hammock Committee Meeting, Lynn Leverty, retired faculty member of the UF Political Science Dept, will discuss, "Can Voters be More Involved in Choosing Political Candidates?".