

We are all equal at the ballot box, but only if we vote. We engage millions of voters every year ensuring Americans have the information they need to participate in elections that determine our future.

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People Powered Fair Maps logo
Blog Post

In September 2019, the League launched its national redistricting effort People Powered Fair Maps™ (PPFM).

PPFM aimed to create greater transparency, fairness, and public participation in the redistricting process, which determines voting access, partisan representation, and federal funding for communities across the country. 

Person holding a red Vote sign

Taking on one of the most urgent issues in American political and legal life, UCLA School of Law professor Richard Hasen has launched the Safeguarding Democracy Project to focus on ensuring that elections in the U.S. remain free and fair.

Money in Politics

Action Alerts

This week, the Senate will start to debate how dark money will impact our elections. The Senate must pass the DISCLOSE Act.

Janice holding sunflower
Blog Post

Dear Members,
Let’s begin this message with some inspiration. Jay Rosenbek, co-chair of our Natural Resources Committee, has been accepted to serve on the Alachua County Environmental Protection Advisory Committee (EPAC).

Purple voice bubble with VOTE411 Election Information You Need
Event Date: 
Jul 20 2022 12:00 am to 11:45 pm

Ahead of the August 23 primary and Gainesville city elections, the League of Women Voters of Alachua County offers the nonpartisan election resource VOTE411.org.

Ballot Box with Request VBM Ballot 5PM August 13
Event Date: 
Aug 13 2022 05:00 pm

If you plan to vote by mail in the upcoming August 23 primary and/or Gainesville city elections, your  Vote by Mail Request must be received by the Alachua County Supervisors of Elections office by 5 PM today! 

Ballot Box with Deadline to Register July 15
Event Date: 
Jul 25 2022 12:00 am to 11:45 pm

TODAY is the last day to register to vote for the August 23, 2022 primary and Gainesville city elections. Be sure you are registered or your registration is up-to-date using VOTE411.

Ballot Box with Early Voting 8/13-20
Event Date: 
Aug 13 2022 09:00 am to Aug 20 2022 06:00 pm

Alachua County voters can vote early from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM every day from August 13 until August 20. 

Ballot Box with Election Day August 23
Event Date: 
Aug 23 2022 07:00 am to 07:00 pm

ELECTION DAY! Alachua County polls are open 7AM to 7PM.

Check VOTE411 for the latest information about your candidates and if you haven't already, be sure to vote today!

Purple voice bubble with VOTE411 Election Information You Need

Ahead of the August 23 primary and Gainesville city elections, the League of Women Voters of Alachua County offers the nonpartisan election resource VOTE411.org. This “one-stop shop” for election information provides voters with simple, accessible tools to help them navigate the voting process. VOTE411 provides personalized candidate information, voter registration details, polling place locations, and other helpful election information for all voters nationwide.
