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We are all equal at the ballot box, but only if we vote. We engage millions of voters every year ensuring Americans have the information they need to participate in elections that determine our future.
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Submitted by Oconee and Pickens Counties in May 2020.
Submitted by PASADENA AREA in May 2020.
In your home, courtesy of Zoom
Voting during a Pandemic
What We Can Do to Ensure Safe, Fair, and Open Elections during These Difficult Times
Submitted by Copper Country in May 2020.
Submitted by Diablo Valley in April 2020.
May League news to keep you connected! Hint: Zoom is the word of the season, if not the year, and we are making the most of it!
Submitted by Wheaton, Illinois in April 2020.
Here's a link to short clips on current constitutional and civics issues, presented by Steven D.
Submitted by PASADENA AREA in April 2020.
Another Presidential Election Year—A Reminder of Our Mission
Getting Ready for November in COVID Times
Voting by Mail
Voter Services
March to November—What a Difference a Pandemic Makes
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