Natural Resources (California)

Natural Resources (California)


BRIEF SUMMARY: The LWVDV supports the use of city and County general plans as the guide to land use in the respective areas.


BRIEF SUMMARY: The Lamorinda Unit of the LWVDV supports increased fire safety in the Community of Orinda.


BRIEF SUMMARY: The Lafayette members of the LWVDV support an attractive and financially viable central business district.
Public Statement

LWV Hingham public service column on Recycling and Waste Management.


LWVHC supports safe storage, management, and disposal of hazardous wastes generated in Humboldt County, with special emphasis on adequate financial support for the agencies that reduce and dispose of wastes. LWVHC supports increased awareness of hazardous materials use and disposal, as well as non-hazardous alternatives. Producers and users of hazardous materials should share in the responsibility for the costs of hazardous waste management.


Support protection of Humboldt Bay and the orderly development of adjacent lands for industrial, shipping, commercial, recreational, and tribal uses. Support recognition of the intrinsic value of the bay, with full consideration of the conservation of Humboldt Bay's natural resources and stewardship of Humboldt Bay as a whole.


Support land use planning for Humboldt County that recognizes the need for more affordable housing, prioritizes policies that mitigate impacts of climate change, addresses economic vitality, and preserves natural spaces. Citizens must have meaningful participation in land use planning and regulation.


Support of a physical environment beneficial to life; action to promote wise use of ground and surface water resources and improvement of water, air, and soil quality.


We support preserving and enhancing the environmental integrity and quality of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Ecosystem.


We support the restricted use of and classification of pesticides.
