Civil Engagement

Civil Engagement

A dialogue in which all participants have a right to speak and to be heard. Such dialogue is characterized by: 

  • Respectful participation
  • Sharing the time equitably
  • Attentive listening
  • Balanced discussion
Headshot of Lynn Frazier
Blog Post

Dear Members,
This is the last issue of the Voter for 2021. I wish we could say that our hard work this year has solved all problems. Sadly, that is not true, and we must jump into the 2022 year with renewed commitment and determination of empowering voters and defending democracy.

Headshot of Lynn Frazier
Blog Post

Dear Members,
There are many important things happening that require your attention. It's time to gear up for the Legislative session. While the session begins January 2021, committee meetings are taking place now and being closely monitored by LWVFL. You should receive the Capitol Report from the LWVFL reporting on the various legislative committees. Please read these and take action as requested by LWVFL.

Living Room Conversations Logo
Event Date: 
01/10/2022 - 7:00pm
Event location: 


Promote conversations about the subject of "The Opportunity Gap" through openness to others with varying views. No matter how firm your beliefs, courageously listen with curiosity and respect in order to facilitate communication. Provided in partnership with the Wheaton Public Library,

Headshot of Lynn Frazier
Blog Post

Dear Members,
Autumnal Equinox has come and gone, and fall has taken off with a bang. In order to replace a vacancy in the Gainesville City Commission At-Large, Seat B, a Special Election is being held on November 16. The LWVAC Candidate Forum for the Special Election is October 23rd at 1:00 p.m.

Living Room Conversations Logo
Event Date: 
11/08/2021 - 7:00pm
Event location: 


Promote conversations about the subject of "Political Dysfunction" through openness to others with varying views. No matter how firm your beliefs, courageously listen with curiosity and respect in order to facilitate communication. Provided in partnership with the Wheaton Public Library,

Living Room Conversations Logo
Event Date: 
10/11/2021 - 7:00pm
Event location: 


Promote conversations about the subject of "Social Equity" through openness to others with varying views. No matter how firm your beliefs, courageously listen with curiosity and respect in order to facilitate communication. Provided in partnership with the Wheaton Public Library,

Headshot of Lynn Frazier
Blog Post

Dear Members,
Thank you to all who responded to the rankings of the LWVFL 2021 legislative priorities. I know it is a tough decision to rank items that are all critical priorities.

Public Statement

The LWV of Santa Monica was invited to share our perspective on public safety reform to Santa Monica's Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission at a Community Listening Session on Thursday, September 9, 2021.

Headshot of Lynn Frazier
Blog Post

Dear Members,

There is a lot going on as we move through these dog days of summer.

Headshot of Lynn Frazier
Blog Post

July 16, 2021

Fellow League Members,

Summer is quickly moving along. I hope all of you are relaxing a bit but also keeping up with League issues.
