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From advancing health care to protecting the environment, voters care about many issues. We promote social and economic justice as well as the health and safety of all Americans to defend democracy.

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Janice holding sunflower
Blog Post

Dear Members,
“Celebrate democracy! Get informed, go vote!” For the next three months, this will be our League's rallying cry. At the local, state and national levels there is much to vote about. Energy is building. We will lend momentum...

"Vote Like Democracy Depends on it" in red font and "(it does)" blue font over an outline of the US. LWVAC, QR Code, and VOTE411 logo at bottom.

Every voter should be able to have an easy and efficient experience at the polls. There are several ways YOU can help make that happen, including being a Poll Worker, an Election Poll Monitor, or part of the Voter Concierge Corps. However you decide to get involved, do something today to help ensure our elections are accessible and run as smoothly as possible.

Janice holding sunflower
Blog Post

Dear Members,
This election season continues to defy all norms. Do you agree? From August through the November 5 election, our League needs your help. Yes, you. We need to reach the public and energize them to register to vote, become informed through the league VOTE411 site, and make a specific plan on how they will vote. We have several ongoing events...

General Election Candidate Forum graphic
Event Date: 
Sep 22 2024 12:30 pm
Event location: 

Santa Fe College Lyceum Concert Hall

Together with the University of Florida Bob Graham Center for Public Service and the Santa Fe College campus chapter of the LWV, we are pleased to present an in-person general election candidate forum on Sunday, September 22, 2024, in the Lyceum Concert Hall at Santa Fe College.


BRIEF SUMMARY: The Lafayette members of the LWVDV support adequately staffed and funded recreation programs.

District 4 Supervisor Matt Plummer's presentation on "How Shasta County Becomes the Highest Performing County in the State," given at the general meeting on May 29, 2024.


Exclamation point inside a red triangle

Action Alerts

The LWV of Alachua County and the UF Bob Graham Center for Public Service hosted a highly successful, highly attended primary candidate forum on Sunday, 6/23/24, at the Bob Graham Center for Public Service. Sixteen candidates running for sheriff, county commission, Gainesville city commission, school board and state representative district 22 participated. They answered questions composed by the League while an overflow audience filled all the chairs, lined the staircases and watched from a balcony above. Afterward the crowd enjoyed free refreshments while talking with the candidates. Candidates and guests had glowing comments about the event.

Here's the Action Alert ask for this week...

Janice holding sunflower
Blog Post

Dear Members,
I love being the bearer of good news. And there’s plenty to share. For starters, on May 23, we had an energizing and fun in-person Annual Meeting. Then, on June 5, we had an informative, dynamic presentation and conversation about county elections and the question of at-large or single-member districts...


Support use of juvenile detention facilities, alternative programs for juvenile offenders, and Probation Department programs for resource families and crisis homes.
