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From advancing health care to protecting the environment, voters care about many issues. We promote social and economic justice as well as the health and safety of all Americans to defend democracy.

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    Take Action - Be Heard

    Key dates in the 2020 election season. Mark your calendars and make a plan to vote.

    The current League of Women Voters of Oklahoma bylaws were amended and updated at the 2017 Convention. The bylaws are for the League of Women Voters of Oklahoma, a 501(c) 3 organization.

    The delegates to the League of Women Voters of Oklahoma's fifty-sixth convention, held in June, 2017, voted to accept the board's recommendation to transition to a 501(c)3 organization.


    What:  Candidate Forum –State Senate District 5 and State Assembly District 12


    What:  Candidate Forum – Superior Count Judges and Stanislaus County Board of Supervisors Districts 1 and 5

    Event Date: 
    02/05/2020 - 7:00pm to 02/06/2020 - 6:45pm
    Event location: 

    Laboratory Theatre of Florida

    Event Date: 
    01/04/2020 - 9:00am to 01/05/2020 - 11:45am
    Event location: 

    Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

    This workshop will help you

    young girl reading newspaper

    Get the latest information on January activities, the Schools and Communities First Initiative, upcoming Voter Service opportunities, and our latest courageous woman, Matilda Joslyn Gage!

    Martha Goralka, LWV Diablo Valley, with campaign sign
    Blog Post

    Thanks to a great team of petition circulators and speakers, in 2019 we returned 60+ petitions with  more than 500 signatures. I set our League goal at 1,000 signatures. We have almost 3 more months and I think we can reach this number.

    League of Women Voters of Hamden North Haven Legislative Breakfast Invitation Image
    Event Date: 
    01/25/2020 - 9:00am to 01/26/2020 - 10:45am
    Event location: 

    Whitney Center

    Do you live in Hamden or North Haven, Connecticut? Join the League of Women Voters of Hamden-North Haven for coffee and a light breakfast with YOU
