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From advancing health care to protecting the environment, voters care about many issues. We promote social and economic justice as well as the health and safety of all Americans to defend democracy.

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League members at local rally
Event Date: 
Jul 14 2018 10:00 am to Jul 15 2018 11:45 am
Event location: 

LWV Diablo Valley office

This is our monthly advocacy meeting for Board members and other League members with specific issues they are following.

LA on Board
Event Date: 
Jul 14 2018 02:00 pm to 03:30 pm
Event location: 

Concert Hall, Musicians Institute

League of Women Voters of Los Angeles Hosts Public Forum on Transit Oriented Development

LA on Board? Transit and Housing Intersections

County Supervisor Candace Andersen
Blog Post

County Supervisor Candace Anderson gave a wide-ranging description of her duties as county supervisor during her talk to the LWV Diablo Valley Annual Meeting on June 2, 2018.


The League of Women Voters of Santa Monica supports plans to reduce traffic.


The League of Women Voters of Santa Monica supports services and resources for people experiencing homelessness.


The League of Women Voters of Santa Monica supports local programs that provide for all persons' equality of opportunity in education, employment, and housing.


The League of Women Voters of Santa Monica supports the adequate funding and maintenance of full services and collections of the Santa Monica Public Library System; and with at least the present number of Main and Branch Libraries.


The League of Women Voters of Santa Monica opposes on or offshore oil drilling in the Santa Monica Bay area.


The League of Women Voters of Santa Monica supports mixed-use development and focused land-use planning in Santa Monica.
LWV logo color open
Public Statement
For Immediate Release     May 29, 2018                                                                                
Press Contact
Louise Petering, LWV WI Director
