Make it Fair Campaign

Make it Fair Campaign

The LWV California campaign helped produce this video in 2015 to restore revenue to schools, public services and infrastructure repair.

The Make It Fair Coalition was formed to work for reform of Proposition 13 by changing the unfair way in which commercial property is taxed in California. The League of Women Voters of California joined the Make It Fair campaign because school districts and local governments in California desperately need more revenue to rebuild services and restore educational opportunities for the state’s children. Since 1978 and the passage of Proposition 13, California per-pupil spending has fallen in rankings from the top ten to 49th in the nation. Police and fire services have been cut back. Crumbling roads, dams, and bridges are not being repaired. Emergency services are undermanned and under-equipped.

  • The League joined with Los Angeles to participate in Make It Fair on Oct. 7, 2017 to advocate for Proposition 13 reform by establishing a “split roll” requiring regular reassessment of commercial properties.
Committees working on this Study: 

The Social Justice Committee is a recent amalgam of two components. The Committee engages in education and advocacy related to reforming policing practices and housing and tenant protections. Most of the current work is concentrated in Pasadena and on the County level.

The Committee would like to expand into other subjects and other service area cities. For these reasons, it seeks additional members, especially individuals directly impacted by social justice concerns.