Other Issues

Other Issues

From advancing health care to protecting the environment, voters care about many issues. We promote social and economic justice as well as the health and safety of all Americans to defend democracy.

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Positions against deficit financing, in favor of federal grants, and positions on property and income taxation. In specifics this position is recommended for review and update.
League Members meeting with Governor Scott in March 2017

League Members meeting with Governor Scott in March 2017

Join us for Legislative Day at the Vermont Statehouse in Winter

The League of Women Voters of Vermont is preparing for advocacy during the 2018 Legislative session which will open in January in Montpelier.

Based on the program adopted at Convention in June, Health Care (H.248), Clean Water (H.95/H.576), and Carbon Tax (H.394, S.284, H.528, -31, -32, -33) are our legislative priorities.  In addition, the League supports background checs for transfer of firearms (S.6/H.151), voter rights (H.624) and IRV (S.213).  


Support of services which decrease the number of children needing foster care, and which provide safe and supportive foster care when required.


Support of city and county policies and programs with incentives for the private sector for programs which meet the need for accessible, affordable, and quality care of minors.


Redistricting for General Assembly to be periodic, enforceable and based on population. Recommend four-year terms for Governor and Lieutenant Governor.


Position was retired in 2019. There have been changes in procedure in the Vermont General Assembly since 1975 The LWVUS (national level) has a position on general good governance principles that we can use.


Support for a system of justice that assures adults and juveniles prompt and equal treatment before the law.


We support a strengthened county government.


The general aim of League positions in the area of government financing through the years has been toward support of tax revenues based on need and the total tax burden.
