Other Issues

Other Issues

From advancing health care to protecting the environment, voters care about many issues. We promote social and economic justice as well as the health and safety of all Americans to defend democracy.

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Support increased use of pre-trial alternatives to jail.

The League's Library upstairs at the Garner House, 840 N. Indian Hill Claremont, has a collection of local, state and national studies.  They are located in the top drawers of the file cabinets, filed by year.

2018 Claremont Area Observer Corps

The Observers are the eyes and ears of the League.

(Summarized by LWVMT  from Interim Newsletter report.  For full report see http://leg.mt.gov/the-interim/eaic/index.html) 

These are topics ripe for discussions with your legislators and colleagues.

State Administration and Veterans’ Affairs Committee


To promote wise use of the state’s water resources, protecting water quality and water supplies against potential depletion and/or pollution, while protecting existing water rights and uses, instream flows, and reservations for future needs.


To protect resources through tax incentives, clear, and practical state and local standards, enforced by a  local planning authority, using well-maintained electronic data describing land and water inventories.


To promote quality air standards to protect human health and safety, to ensure the integrity of ecosystems, and to facilitate the enjoyment of the natural attractions of this state.
Rep Squirrel and Scientist Dolan presenting about the Clean Water Initiative
Blog Post

An informative presentation on the financial challenges and innovative strategies to cleaning Vermont's waters, including Lake Champlain.
Kari Dolan manager of Vermont's Clean Water Initiative, explains the program and its strategies. She is followed by Representative Trevor Squirrell, clerk of the Vermont House Natural Resources, Fish and Wildlife Committee, who is also on the House Clean Water Working Group.


by Sonja Schuyler


To protect society from criminal behaviors, while providing services to enable prisoners to become law-abiding citizens, and ensure equal and fair procedural justice for all regardless of age, gender, race, color, creed, or financial status.
