Other Issues

Other Issues

From advancing health care to protecting the environment, voters care about many issues. We promote social and economic justice as well as the health and safety of all Americans to defend democracy.

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Local Positions


Measures and adequate funding which will enable our judicial system to meet the needs of all Fresno County residents


To develop a balanced, safe and efficient transportation network that will preserve a quality environment and provide mobility throughout the region


Equal housing opportunities for all Fresno City and County residents


Measures to bring about equality of opportunity in education all Fresno City and County residents


Support measures to secure an orderly and simplified San Bernardino City Charter, with

provisions that enable the Mayor and the Common Council to deal with city problems efficiently, flexibly, and with responsibilities and authority clearly defined. The City Charter should:

A. Provide a framework that allows details to be placed in ordinances passed by the Mayor

and Common Council.

B. Provide a government that is responsible, representative, accountable, and responsive to

the citizens.

C. Address ethics in government.
