Health Care Reform

Health Care Reform

Promote a health care system for the United States that provides affordable access to a basic level of quality care for all U.S. residents, including behavioral health that is integrated with and achieves parity with the physical health care system.

Read more on LWVUS »

Blue outline of State of Florida with callout with stethoscope over Alachua County

Our health care system depends on the ability and knowledge of its workers to understand and interact effectively with diverse patients, including those of other cultures or belief systems. As minorities continue to suffer at a disproportionate rate in Alachua County, the public health care crisis that impacts each and every one of us must be tackled. Sufficient health care facilities, staffed with professionals who are sensitive to the effects of racism on health care, is the goal.

Dobbs v Jackson
Blog Post

Written by Carmel Johnson, J.D.

Four women facing camera with Womens Inequality Day text overlay
Event Date: 
Aug 26 2022 12:00 am to 11:45 pm

August 26, otherwise known as Women's Equality Day, marks the anniversary of the certification of the 19th amendment, which granted some women the right to vote.

Girl holding Girl Power Sign

President Biden Signs Executive Order on Reproductive Health

by Shannon Augustus


In human females, the biology of reproduction is dangerous, messy, slow, often goes awry, sometimes produces less than perfect results, and doesn’t lend itself to rigid categorizations of “life versus not life.” All reproductive processes are a gr

Handing a Heart

Mental Health Is a Voting Rights Issue

by Mariana Schmalstig Diaz

Gaining access to mental health resources saved my life. 

Welcome to the

Health Care Reform Advocacy Group

of LWV of Washtenaw County.

Our urgent need for equitable access to health care has never been more powerful than it is right now. As you read this, crises in health care due to the Covid-19 pandemic continue to spread.

Blue outline of State of Florida with callout with stethoscope over Alachua County

As our nation rapidly approaches 1 million recorded deaths due to COVID-19, our Florida government officials loudly proclaim that masks and vaccinations are unnecessary. Public health has become as taboo of a subject as climate change. It is clear who suffers the most from ignorance of both: ethnic minorities and our underprivileged low-income neighbors.

The health of Alachua County depends not only on the fitness of its well-off residents. It must concern us all. Deficits and inequities in health cost everyone due to stresses on our health care workers and hospitals, increased taxes, insurance costs and reduced productivity that result. We can do better.

The League of Women Voters believes that all South Carolinians should have affordable access to a basic level of quality health care that includes behavioral health care and reproductive health care, but the reality is that this remains out of reach for many.

graphic promoting March 3 event
Event Date: 
Mar 03 2022 05:30 pm

League members, please join us on Zoom for a learning circle based on the book "Medicare for All: A Citizen’s Guide" by Dr. Abdul El-Sayed and Dr. Micah Johnson.
