Health Care Reform

Health Care Reform

Promote a health care system for the United States that provides affordable access to a basic level of quality care for all U.S. residents, including behavioral health that is integrated with and achieves parity with the physical health care system.

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Large Oak Tree with text overlay
Event Date: 
02/13/2024 - 7:00pm
Event location: 

Oak Hammock

At this Oak Hammock Committee Meeting, Adriana Menendez and Veronica Robleto from the Rural Women's Health Project will speak on, "Health Justice Support for Farmworkers and Immigrant Communities."

Health Care Committee in white text on a blue rectangle with geometric shapes in a variety of blue colors in the far background
Event Date: 
02/12/2024 - 4:00pm
Event location: 

Oak Hammock

Our Health Care Committee, co-chaired by Barbara Frentzen and Kim Walsh-Childers, is hosting its next meeting in person at Oak Hammock. They may be able to make the meeting available via Zoom as well.

death vs dollars graphic
Event Date: 
02/12/2024 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Event location: 

Via Zoom

Death vs. Dollars: How Can We Deal with Chronic Disease – Like Long COVID, Lyme & Tick-Borne Diseases (Recorded February 12, 2024).

Black text on white background

At the January 9, 2023, Oak Hammock Committee Meeting, Dr. Nancy Hardt, MD presented, "Politics and Infant and Maternal Health." Dr. Hardt is a professor emerita at the UF College of Medicine.

Floridians Protecting Freedom logo white text and graphics on a purple background

We did it! As of today (Friday, January 5, 2024), the Division of Elections is reporting that #AbortionOnTheBallot has 910,946 verified signatures meeting the threshold, enough to qualify for the 2024 election! What a huge milestone for abortion access in our state!


Every resident of Shasta County should have access to the level of health care which meets basic human needs to improve and maintain quality of life.
Large Oak Tree with text overlay
Event Date: 
01/09/2024 - 7:00pm
Event location: 

Oak Hammock

At this Oak Hammock Committee Meeting, Dr. Nancy Hardt, MD will present, "Politics and Infant and Maternal Health." Dr. Hardt is a professor emerita at the UF College of Medicine.

Health Care Committee in white text on a blue rectangle with geometric shapes in a variety of blue colors in the far background
Event Date: 
01/08/2024 - 4:00pm
Event location: 

Oak Hammock

Our new Health Care Committee, co-chaired by Barbara Frentzen and Kim Walsh-Childers, is hosting its January meeting in person at Oak Hammock. They hope to make the meeting available via Zoom as well.


December 12, 2023: The Alachua County commission voted to adopt a nonbinding resolution endorsing Medicare for All. This effort was organized by Medicare for All Florida, Students for a National Health Program (SNaHP), Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP) and the Alachua County Labor Coalition. Dozens and dozens of Alachua County residents also supported the resolution by signing a petition, which was submitted to the county commission. "We are happy to support Medicare for All," said Commission Chair Mary Alford, sponsor of the resolution, upon its unanimous passage.

Health Care Committee in white text on a blue rectangle with geometric shapes in a variety of blue colors in the far background
Event Date: 
12/11/2023 - 4:00pm
Event location: 

Oak Hammock

Our new Health Care Committee, co-chaired by Barbara Frentzen and Kim Walsh-Childers, is hosting its December meeting in person at Oak Hammock. They hope to make the meeting available via Zoom as well.
