Bay Area League Day 2024 (Recorded)

Bay Area League Day 2024 (Recorded)

League Day graphic
Saturday, March 9, 2024 - 10:30am to 1:00pm

LWV Day Area League Day 2024Finding Solutions - Connecting the Dots: 

Regional Health Equity & Inequities

League Day 2024 focused on creating healthy communities and the inter-connections of health and policy. Experts will define the interrelationship of social, economic, education and healthy living, and discuss solutions to Bay Area health equity and inequities. Experts will define the interrelationship of social, economic, education and healthy living and discuss solutions to Bay Area health equity and inequities. They explore the impact of housing affordability and stability on health, and the environmental impact on health, exposure to toxins, and location exposure impacting communities of color.
Aisha WahabGuest speakers include State Senator Aisha Wahab (District 10), state Chair of Public Safety and Health Committees, committed to advocacy work and legislation addressing housing affordability, civic engagement, education and economic inequality. She is joined by Dr. Mary Ann Dewan, Santa Clara County Superintendent of Schools as well as Darris Young with BARHII and Regina Celstin Williams with SV@Home, housing, health, and environment problem solvers.

League Day 2024 Panel

Our presenters discussed the right to a clean and healthy environment where communities can live, work, learn, play and thrive. Finding solutions and connecting the dots to Regional Health Equity and Inequities, they explored the impact of housing affordability and stability on health, and the environmental impact on health, exposure to toxins, and location exposure impacting communities of color. The Health of Education was explored, examining the learning environment, the physical and mental health well-being of students. 

Issues referenced by this event: