

Support for action at all levels of government for the provision of affordable housing for all

Icon depicting a city or government building

In December 2020 the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) adopted a methodology to distribute the Bay Area regional housing need of 441,176 units, as established by HCD. On May 25, 2021 ABAG released its draft RHNA plan distributing the regional housing needs among communities in the Bay Area.

San Francisco hillside with housing
Event Date: 
02/19/2022 - 10:00am to 2:30pm
Event location: 

virtual (Zoom)

League Day 2022 will take a holistic look at land-use planning involved in placing housing. We'll be looking at the intersectionality of housing with climate change and natural hazard planning, and the financial implications of housing placement.

Public Statement

The LWV Santa Monica submitted the following public comments regarding Santa Monica Ci

Public Statement

The LWV Santa Monica submitted the following public comments regarding Santa Monica Ci



RHNA/Housing Element Toolkit

RHNA is the process to determine the number of housing units, at all income levels, that a jurisdiction is required to plan for under California law. The plan for RHNA allocation must be included in the “Housing Element” section of the local government’s General Plan, which is reviewed and approved by the California Department of Housing and Community Development. Read more in the RHNA/Housing Element Toolkit.


Jeffrey Shapiro, Mary Hawks and Lynn Frazier Guest columnists to The Gainesville Sun

As the pandemic wanes, people are returning to work and losing government support. Low-wage earners who are often renters face an untenable situation.


The following testimony was read into the record on behalf of the LWVSM at the June 15th City Council Special Meeting on

Housing Toolkit, California, Advocacy

What is the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA)?

RHNA is the process to determine the number of housing units, at all income levels, that a jurisdiction is required to plan for under California law. The plan for RHNA allocation must be included in the “Housing Element” section of the local government’s General Plan, which is reviewed and approved by the California Department of Housing and Community Development. 


Cities and Counties Plan for Housing 


LWVDDH supports equal rights for all to provide equal access to housing.
