

Support for action at all levels of government for the provision of affordable housing for all

Image of Deer Hill Proposed Housing in Lafayette
Blog Post

The definition of an understatement - Housing is a complex issue. The respected New York Times used Lafayette’s controversial The Terraces/Deer Hill development, opposed by the citizen group "Save Lafayette, as a poster child to ask – how does a community do its part to address California’s housing need and can it or should it strive to maintain the character of its community?

Event Date: 
03/07/2020 - 9:00am to 03/08/2020 - 11:45am
Event location: 


Public Invited--free of charge


The League of Women Voters of Irving supports effective programs, policies, and funding to meet the needs of at-risk children.


The League of Women Voters of Coos County supports programs for affordable housing.


The League of Women Voters of San Joaquin County supports both public and private programs to provide sufficient and adequate housing to meet the needs of the entire community.
shopping cart with personal possessions next to park bench
Blog Post

Homelessness and Affordable Housing are major problem areas in the Bay Area and in California.




Support measures to increase the availability of affordable housing for all incomes and lifestyles.


Support city plans to increase availability and quality of housing for homeless, low & moderate households.
