

Promote reunification of immediate families; meet the economic, business, and employment needs of the United States; be responsive to those facing political persecution or humanitarian crises; and provide for student visas. Ensure fair treatment under the law for all persons. In transition to a reformed system, support provisions for unauthorized immigrants already in the country to earn legal status.

Read more on LWVUS »

Liane Hirabayashi
Event Date: 
Jul 07 2021 07:00 pm
Event location: 

Fenimore Art

LWV Cooperstown Co-President Liane Hirabayashi to Speak at Fenimore Art Museum

Personal Stories of Japanese American Incarceration, Featuring Liane Hirabayash


It was exciting to be able to participate in the LWVC Convention in June as a non-delegate, by attending virtual workshops and caucuses.


Yes Immigrants Forward

LWV Pasadena Logo
Event Date: 
Mar 04 2021 10:00 am to 11:30 am
Event location: 

Zoom Webinar

NEW DIRECTIONS IN IMMIGRATION: A New Administration in Washington, New Challenges

Event Date: 
Feb 27 2021 09:00 am to 12:45 pm

ONE STEP AT A TIME: The Path to Real and Enduring Change

Get Briefed! Be prepared so you can make yourself heard.

Take action with the league of women voter national issues

Action Alerts

Get involved! There are many ways to have your voice heard by elected officials and policy makers. Choose what's important to you and take action today. Democracy is not a spectator sport.

Families Belong Together

Action Alerts

LWV Immigration Action 17july20


We welcome your reviews of books that • were published within the past three years • do not advocate for a political party or politician • do address issues supported by the League, and • intrigued you enough that you want to share them.


Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Many Aspects of the Immigration System Need Fixing
