Social Policy

Social Policy

Secure equal rights and equal opportunity for all. Promote social and economic justice and the health and safety of all Americans.


Support of programs, which provide the Social Services Agency with the tools and financing to promote the rehabilitation of recipients and the prevention of problems.


Supports conscientious planning and development of Yolo County.


Monitor and evaluate the TIF (Tax Increment Financing) and its impact on education funding, economic development and distribution of tax dollars to the community.


Support a coalition of faith communities, agencies and individuals who make up South Suburban Public Action to Deliver Shelter (PADS).


Continue monitoring current and proposed new methods of school financing with emphasis on the impact on schools in the H-F area.


Support the following criteria to evaluate bond issues and/or tax increases for local school districts: program review, citizen participation, long-range planning, cost-effective measures and supplemental revenue, and demonstration of need.


Support for senior citizen housing in Homewood.


Support coordinated community-based system of supportive services for the elderly designed to avoid, delay or shorten their institutionalization.
young girl reading newspaper

Get active again as life picks up and so does League! We are responding to the pandemic in so many ways and getting better at it – just look at what is in this Voter!

image of a hospital

by Marian Shostrom and Pat Snyder, Health Care Issue Co-Chairs
