Social Policy

Social Policy

Secure equal rights and equal opportunity for all. Promote social and economic justice and the health and safety of all Americans.

Juvenile Justice

The League of Women Voters of Lee County Florida supports a Juvenile Justice System that encourages prevention and diversion and recognizes the special concerns of children and their families.

Delegates to the 1975 League of Women Voters of Florida Convention recognized that elements of both the criminal justice and the social welfare systems are involved in the juvenile justice system and that it should not be considered only from the criminal justice perspective or the social welfare viewpoint.

Economic Opportunities and Issues in Lee County


The League of Women Voters believes that no person or group should suffer legal, economic or administrative discrimination and that responsible government should. . . share in the solution of economic and social problems

The League supports responsible government that is open, effective, efficient, accountable and provides leadership and coordination to solve economic and social issues and to assure needed services to all citizens. 

Event Date: 
09/08/2020 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm


pills, syringe, $50 bills

The Healthy California for All Commission held its first meeting on January 27 in Sacramento. The charge of the commission is to provide the Governor and Legislature with options and recommendations to advance progress toward achieving a health care delivery system that provides coverage and access to all Californians through a unified financing system, including, but not limited to, a single-payer financing system.

Second Amendment Sanctuary: What it would really mean for our county


The League of Women Voters of Moscow supports the establishment of an alternative school to serve dropouts, discouraged learners, non-traditional students and other at-risk youth, with the goal of teaching basic skills, vocational education and/or college preparation leading to the attainment of either a high school diploma or a GED.


The League of Women Voters of Moscow supports school-age child care (SACC).


Following two years of study, the League of Women Voters of Moscow has come to consensus concerning after-school activities for Junior High and High School youth.


Virginia Case: "In these trying times, the League’s commitment to democracy requires us to speak out against racism and violence. I hope you will join me in this commitment by doing the work required of us to be an anti-racist organization".


The League of Women Voters of Moscow, recognizing the needs of those in poverty in Latah County, advocates for and supports programs or approaches which can improve or increase accessibility and availability of goods and services, either through the coordination of existing programs or by the alteration, enhancement or creation of new services in the areas of housing, food insecurity, child care, transportation, and health care.
