Social Policy

Social Policy

Secure equal rights and equal opportunity for all. Promote social and economic justice and the health and safety of all Americans.


Societal Fault Lines



One Thing the Pandemic Is Trying to Teach Us


Suffering From Cabin Fever?

Life in the Time of Coronavirus - Brought to you by Dr. MZ

young girl reading newspaper

April League news to keep you connected! There’s more to life than coronavirus, and to prove that, here are some ways to stay interested and involved in League activities!

Moms Demand Action poster
Blog Post

Moms Demand Action is the largest grassroots organization of Americans who strive to reduce gun violence and encourage responsible gun ownership.

Event Date: 
Mar 03 2020 08:00 am to Mar 21 2020 07:45 am
Event location: 

Carnegie Museum of Keweenaw

Women's History Month - Petticoats Patriots Display at Carnegie Museum. 

Closed at this time

Event Date: 
Mar 10 2020 08:00 am to Mar 11 2020 07:45 am

You can still register and vote today! You must register with your clerk and vote there. You cannot register at your polling place.

Event Date: 
Feb 24 2020 08:00 am to Feb 25 2020 07:45 am

Must register in person after this date.

Event Date: 
Feb 14 2020 02:00 pm to Feb 15 2020 01:45 pm

The LWV will be delivering cookies to our partners, Daily Mining Gazette and Houghton County Clerk.


Healthy LA Petition

Action Alerts

SIGN THE PETITION: Help Shape LA’s COVID-19 Response
