Transportation – Airports

Transportation – Airports

We support coordination between environmental and land use concerns, and the need for aviation services in the Bay Area.
Position History: 

LWVBA Position 2012-2014 (Updated 5/2014)

Support coordination between environmental and land use concerns, and the need for aviation services in the Bay Area.

  1. The safety of airport operations should be the primary concern in planning, designing and operating airports.
  2. Airport planning and operations should be the primary concerns in planning, designing, and operating airports.
  3. New development in neighboring areas that is incompatible with airport operations should be prevented through far-sighted planning and consistently enforced zoning ordinances.
  4. Noise pollution from airport operations should be minimized and limited to levels that are not injurious to the health and well-being of area residents and businesses. Continuing monitoring should be required, along with the use of technical measures to mitigate noise pollution.
  5. Airport access and egress should be safe and convenient for people, with an emphasis on mass transit. Convenient access should be provided for goods and services.
  6. Existing airports should be maintained and improved before new ones are considered, with need, demand and cost taken into account.
  7. Cooperative decision-making among jurisdictions that would be impacted is important in considering the needs of regional airports.
League to which this content belongs: 
The Bay Area