Social Policy

Social Policy

Secure equal rights and equal opportunity for all. Promote social and economic justice and the health and safety of all Americans.

LWV logo
Public Statement

League of Women Voters of Wisconsin pleased by increase support for public transit in Governor’s budget proposal


An accessible and affordable transit system is an important part of our community.


A high quality public education is integral to the vitality of the community.


Managed growth is essential to the quality of life in Delaware County.


The provision of human services is deemed imperative to the health and well-being of Delaware County and its residents.
Clients choose food at free meal
Blog Post

The League of Women Voters of Diablo Valley recently joined the Contra Costa Budget Justice Coalition (BJC)

Logo, Fix It healthcare film
Event Date: 
Apr 18 2019 07:00 pm to Apr 19 2019 08:45 pm
Event location: 

Our Savior's Lutheran Church

Join us for a viewing of FIX IT, a 38-minute documentary that takes an in-depth look at our dysfunctional health care system, with panel discussion and Q&A.

LWVMD logo

Action Alerts

The League of Women Voters of Maryland (LWVMD) has supported a foundation program based on a weighted per pupil formula supported from general state revenues at a level high enough to eliminate inequities since 1972. 

AFT speaker
Event Date: 
Feb 23 2019 02:00 pm to Feb 24 2019 03:45 pm
Event location: 

El Centro West Dallas Community College

The Impact of Charter Schools on Public Education:
How We Can Support Our Neighborhood Schools Now

Event Date: 
Apr 20 2019 02:00 pm to Apr 21 2019 01:45 pm
Event location: 

League Office

Our next meeting will feature a PowerPoint presentation by Brian Yanity, Rail Propulsion Systems, on the Vancouver Sky Train. We will also pursue our discussion of the possibility of updating the League's 2001 transportation study.
