Social Policy

Social Policy

Secure equal rights and equal opportunity for all. Promote social and economic justice and the health and safety of all Americans.


The League of Women Voters of Los Alamos supports the development of residential neighborhoods that are sustainable and livable.

Tax-exempt property in Montgomery County: Interactive map

Some preliminary research on the tax base in Montgomery County has been completed. Much of the property is tax exempt because it belongs to charitable, religious, or educational organizations or is national forest property. Because so much property in Montgomery County is tax exempt, the source of income for public schools and other county services falls significantly on residential taxes.

Early in the creation of our country, the importance of an educated populace was understood.  For a long time, our League has had an Education Committee that attended school board meetings, stayed abreast of important issues, studied the issues, and advocated for league positions.  Right now, the committee is on pause waiting for new leadership.


The LWVN will continue to support effective procedures to ensure non-discrimination in housing, employment, and public accommodations.


The Central Kane County League supports the sustained allocation of state funds for public higher education.


The League supports a fully funded comprehensive and coordinated system of treatment, supports, and services for people with mental and behavioral health challenges and/or intellectual/developmental disabilities throughout Kane County.


The League supports governmental and community efforts to ensure affordable, safe, and decent housing for the citizens of our towns.
South Bay Housing Forum

One of the most heated issues facing California today is housing.
