Social Policy

Social Policy

Secure equal rights and equal opportunity for all. Promote social and economic justice and the health and safety of all Americans.


Alternative education must meet basic and comprehensive goals common to the entire school system, must be accessible to all who choose the alternative, must be effective in meeting the particular needs of the students it serves and must be financially feasible.
stylized happy people
Event Date: 
05/14/2018 - 6:45pm to 8:45pm
Event location: 

Walnut Creek Library

How to speak out on an issue you care about -- affordable housing that serves all of us!

young girl reading newspaper

Our monthly membership newsletter with lots of current articles - ranging from candidate forums to census questions, and more!

Action Alerts

Last Friday, VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System announced a proposal to enter into a 75-year lease with a principal developer in order to develop 1,200 homes for homeless veterans at the VA West LA campus and build a real veteran community. If done right, this is a big deal...

young girl reading newspaper

Our monthly membership newsletter with lots of current articles - ranging from candidate forums to census questions, and more!

Event Date: 
04/19/2018 - 12:30pm to 2:30pm
Event location: 

Platt Library

The topic of this unit meeting will be on transporation and why we need it. We will discuss how the League and community can be involved.


The League of Women Voters of Southwest Santa Clara Valley supports cooperation between school districts and city governments in planning for utilization of school assets.


The League of Women Voters of Southwest Santa Clara Valley supports planning for maintenance of a quality school curriculum.


The League of Women Voters of Southwest Santa Clara Valley supports encouraging communities to coordinate senior citizen services.


The League of Women Voters of Southwest Santa Clara Valley supports the use of redevelopment funds--with community input--for safety, beautification, and improvements.
