Social Policy

Social Policy

Secure equal rights and equal opportunity for all. Promote social and economic justice and the health and safety of all Americans.

We support equal opportunity for high quality education for all students in Fresno County Schools, from early childhood through community college.

What do we advocate?

  • Long range planning
  • Improved communication between the schools and the public
  • Support of a funding system which is adequate and reliable and is distributed fairly so all students have equal access to public education
  • Availability of quality preschool programs for all children

We support equal housing opportunities for all Fresno City and County residents.

What do we advocate?

  • Additional low income housing
  • An increase in dissemination of information about housing practices

We support a balanced, safe and efficient transportation network that will preserve a quality environment and provide mobility throughout the region.

bullet train





What do we advocate?



Position taken in 2000 regarding diversity and pluralism.


Position taken in 1992 regarding affordable housing in Piedmont.


Position taken in 1948 regarding the Piedmont Unified School District.


Position taken in 1991 regarding the planning process in Piedmont.


Promote equal educational opportunity for students in elementary, secondary, & higher education.

School Funding in Montgomery County  PDF icon report May 2020

This is a local study by LWVMC 

The Voter 2005 Edition



February 2005 VOTER includes information on: Feb. 12 Membership meeting, Citizens of Achievement (April 10), League involvement in civic education, LWVC votes action priority for redistricting, FDA Morning-After pill decision delayed

