Social Policy

Social Policy

Secure equal rights and equal opportunity for all. Promote social and economic justice and the health and safety of all Americans.


Improved Access to Health Care


Bike Paths and Better Bus Systems


Open Housing and Assistance


Child and Adolescent Welfare, Child Care, Education, Housing, Human Needs, Library, Mental Health, Welfare


We support measures to efficiently increase the supply of low and moderate income housing.


We support measures to ensure planning to prevent homelessness and to lessen the burden through local services.


We support the need for a four-year upper and lower division university with degree programs responsive to the needs in Ventura County.


We support measures to maintain adequate transportation as a public service with the least possible adverse environmental effects.
LWV WI Issues Briefing 2017
Event Date: 
Oct 28 2017 12:00 am to 11:45 pm
Event location: 

Madison College, Truax Campus

Nearly 120 League members and friends attended LWV WI’s State Issues Briefing on October 28 at Madison College. Here are summaries and resources from the day of presentations and small group sessions.


Support of the preservation of low and moderate income housing in all new housing developments.
