Social Policy

Social Policy

Secure equal rights and equal opportunity for all. Promote social and economic justice and the health and safety of all Americans.


To promote efficient and equitable financing of public education, with the state funding its share of the cost.

written by Catherine Rader on behalf of the LWV of Vermont board

written to: 

  • members of the Vermont House and
  • Senate Health Care Committees,
  • the Speaker of the House,
  • the President pro tem of the Senate.

Last session, the League of Women Voters of Vermont  advocated for H.248/S.53, which calls for universal, publicly funded primary care for all Vermonters.

Woman writing her Vermont Representatives

Action Alerts

Please write your Vermont State respresentatives to pass universal primary health care in the current legislative session.


To promote a system of high quality affordable, developmentally-appropriate child care.


Retired in 2019. Vermont instituted state-wide Kindergarten screening.


It is the consensus of the League of Women Voters of Vermont that vouchers and charter schools are not options for the Vermont public school system. Public education is for the general good of society.


Many goals of the original position were met by Act 60 and Act 46.


The four state delegations from Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Rhode Island concur on regional transportation goals.


The League supports a variety of taxes and fees related to transportation to support transportation infrastructure, but is against a miles-travelled tax; the League supports fuel assistance for low-income Vermonters.


The League is in favor of bicycle paths, walkways, electric powered vehicles, as well as geographic and intermodal connectivity.
