Voting is a fundamental right and all eligible voters should have the equal opportunity to exercise that right. We are dedicated to ensuring that our elections remain free, fair and accessible.
The League of Women Voters of Wheaton was represented by LWV board member and League delegate Liz Albert at the League of Women Voters of the United States (LWVUS) 53rd National Convention held June 28 – July 1 in Chicago, IL.
We will give background information on all the propositions on the November ballot. Voter Guides will be distributed to local Leagues and attendees. This is a free event and refreshments will be served. Street parking only.
Our monthly membership newsletter with lots of current articles - reports on recent workshops on elections and on housing, our primary season voter service activities, and more!
Please Join us in downtown Boston on June 13 at 6:00 for our annual meeting. Tent City community room. Our speaker Kim Janey is from the Boston City Council, speaking about increased women's roles in the City Council.