Voting Rights Laws

Voting Rights Laws

We are at the forefront of the most important federal and state voting rights cases around the country. We actively oppose discriminatory voter photo ID laws, fight against attacks voter registration process and hold lawmakers accountable when they try to institute last-minute Election Day barriers. We work year-round to combat voter suppression through advocacy, grassroots organizing, legal action and public education.

LWV Kent honored at NAACP Freedom Fund Dinner

Thank you to the Portage County NAACP for honoring the League of Women Voters of Kent with its Social Justice Award at this past weekend’s Freedom Fund Dinner. The League of Women Voters of Kent was recognized for its tireless work to collect signatures and educate voters in 2017 about Issue 1 which passed and will provide a fair redistricting process for Ohio’s Congressional districts. Issue 1 passed with 75% of the vote.

Danger! Women's Suffrage Would Double the Irresponsible Vote.
Blog Post

In 1973, the U.S. Congress designated August 26 as “Women’s Equality Day.” The date commemorates the 1920 certification of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, granting women the right to vote.


People really should vote
Two league members at the national convention
Public Statement

The League of Women Voters of Wheaton was represented by LWV board member and League delegate Liz Albert at the League of Women Voters of the United States (LWVUS) 53rd National Convention held June 28 – July 1 in Chicago, IL.


The Wisconsin Elections Commission considers several critical matters in its December 12, 2017 meeting, including ballot design, agency staffing and a UW-Madison study on the impact of the photo ID requirement. A statement from LWV WI discusses these matters.


The League of Women Voters of Vermont kicked off the Fall season with a successful Celebration of the 19th Amendment with a Happy Hour held in Montpelier at the end of August.


On September 11, members of the League spent a few hours fulfilling a key component of our mission – helping new citizens register to vote following the annual Naturalization Ceremony at the State House.

Join us for Legislative Day at the Vermont Statehouse in Winter

The League of Women Voters of Vermont is preparing for advocacy during the 2018 Legislative session which will open in January in Montpelier.

Based on the program adopted at Convention in June, Health Care (H.248), Clean Water (H.95/H.576), and Carbon Tax (H.394, S.284, H.528, -31, -32, -33) are our legislative priorities.  In addition, the League supports background checs for transfer of firearms (S.6/H.151), voter rights (H.624) and IRV (S.213).  
