Voting Rights

Voting Rights

Voting is a fundamental right and all eligible voters should have the equal opportunity to exercise that right. We are dedicated to ensuring that our elections remain free, fair and accessible.

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Press Mention

ACLU-DE: "Simply put, this is a Band-Aid."
Andrew Bernstein of the ACLU-DE reported to the Delaware Voting Rights Coalition "the good news that Delaware's early, in-person voting and permanent absentee voting laws are now back in effect ahead of the 2024 elections. ... ACLU-DE is pleased that voters who use these methods of voting will have these options in 2024, [but] we are concerned that the Court left the door open to future challenges. We believe that the decision affirms our long-term plan to amend Delaware's constitution to ensure and protect voting rights."

California Palm Trees

by Beth McConaughy

As Stephanie Doute, LWV of California Executive Director notes,

I voted stickers background image with "Voter Services Meeting" text overlay in blue box
Event Date: 
Jul 03 2024 06:30 pm

Join us for our next meeting where we continue planning activities for the 2024 Election Season.  Contact Dillon Boatner at vote [at]

The Women's Shift To Equality newsletter logo

TWSTE is a "resource hub that connects, informs and facilitates positive change for women." The TWSTE Post, their newsletter, covers state, national, and global issues that affect women's rights, from voter eligibility challenges to reproductive r

Votes for Women historic image

When Women Won the Right to Vote: A New Look at the Nineteenth Amendment with Dr. Lisa Tetrault

Dr. Lisa Tetrault, Associate Professor of History at Carnegie Mellon University and author of the award-winning book "The Myth of Seneca Falls: Memory and the Women’s Suffrage Movement, 1848-1898," will provide insights into the politics behind the manufacture of an origins myth for feminism, and the broader implications for the women's suffrage movement." For more information or to register for the webinar, see the full article.

Juneteenth - Free-ish since 1865

The Emancipation Proclamation went into effect on January 1st, 1863. The Civil War ended in April 1865. Yet it wasn’t until June 19th, 1865, that it was actually enforced by the Union Army. Moreover, June 19th freed enslaved people only in the rebelling states; it did not free enslaved people throughout the nation. Much work has been done to expand emancipation and the voting franchise; much remains to be done. Join us to celebrate Juneteenth and Get Out The Vote on Saturday, June 22, at the George H.P. Smith Park in Lewes, 11 AM-5:30 PM. We need one more helper for the 3:00-5:30 pm shift. Sign up at

LWVEUP forum panelists Dana Nessel, Aghogho Edevbie, Allison Youngs, and John Petkus

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel and Deputy Secretary of State Aghogho Edevbie participated in an informational forum on Election Security & Integrity in Sault Ste Marie.

Interacting with the public at the French Market
Event Date: 
Aug 10 2024 08:00 am to 02:00 pm
Event location: 

Downtown Wheaton

We’ll be at the French Market three times this summer. We’ll talk about the League and League membership. We will also be registering voters to vote. Members, volunteer to be at the booth.
