Time Range For Action Alert:
Feb 18 2025 to Feb 25 2025Take action to opposse the so-called "SAVE" Act (Safeguard American Voter Eligibility), which has been introduced by House Republicans as HR 22. This Act does the opposite: it is a threat to the voting rights of millions of Americans. More information is below.
You can:
- Call Representative Warren Davidson and tell him you oppose the bill and how it would affect you personally: 513-779-5400 or 202-225-6205
- Fill out this form to email members of Congress and ask them to oppose the "SAVE" Act.
- Share information on social media and with your family and friends (here is one from VoteRiders that you can use).
- Send this website to a friend and ask them to contact their member of Congress.
What Does HR 22 Do?
It would require all Americans who want to register to vote or update their voter registration to present documentary proof of citizenship in person. For the vast majority of Americans, this would require a passport or birth certificate.
Government-issued driver's licenses and military or tribal IDs would not satisfy the bill's requirements.
What Are the Implications?
This legislation would drastically change the way all citizens register to vote.
Every time a person registers to vote or updates their registration (from a move, marriage, etc), they would need to show a passport or birth certificate in person.
However, as reporting from the Center for American Progress shows:
- 146 million American citizens do not have a valid passport (for context, 153 million Americans voted in the 2024 presidential election).
- In seven states, less than one-third of citizens have a valid passport.
- Lower income Americans would be dramatically affected: only 1 in 5 Americans with income below $50,000 have a valid passport.
- 83% of women change their last name when they marry: 69 million American women may not have a birth certificate with their legal name on it and would not be able to use their birth certificate to prove citizenship. The SAVE Act does not included proof of name change or marriage certificate as acceptable proof of identity.
The SAVE Act would make it impossible for a voter to mail in a registration application. And it would eliminate the League's ability to conduct voter registration drives.
This is Harmful and Unnecessary
It is already illegal to vote as a non-citizen.
Election officials are already required to verify a person's eligibility to vote using state and federal data, including citizenship data from Homeland Security, the Social Security Administration, death data, and Postal Service change of address data. Under federal law, anyone currently registering to vote must also provide their driver's license number or the last four digits of their Social Security number.
For more information:
Issues referenced by this action alert: