The Cooperstown Area Subscribed Articles

The Cooperstown Area Subscribed Articles


This letter to the editor was originally published by the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

The Richmond City Council recently made the short-sighted decision to reject a proposal to adopt Ranked Choice Voting for the upcoming council elections in 2024. The co-signers of this letter know that adopting a new voting system would not be an easy task, but we are still disappointed in the council’s decision for two overarching reasons.


This story was originally published in The Daily Tar Heel.

As the midterm elections approach, organizations in North Carolina are working to get more people to the polls – especially on Tuesday, which was National Voter Registration Day.


This story originally aired on Spectrum News.

On National Voter Registration Day, a nationwide effort to get eligible voters registered to vote, Erica Smitka, deputy director of the League of Women Voters New York, discussed on Capital Tonight the state of voting rights in the Empire State and how you can get registered to make your voice heard.


This article was originally published by Public News Service.

The midterm elections are coming up on Nov. 8, and advocates are reminding Michiganders to plan now on how, when, and where they will cast their ballots.


This article was originally published by Public News Service.

Ahead of the general election on November 8, there's an urgent push for voter registration in Arkansas.


This story was originally published in Votebeat.

Kansas, Missouri, Florida among states with laws that voter registration groups say put volunteers at risk

Blog Post

Like the legislative and executive branches, the Supreme Court of the US is subject to checks and balances. These restrictions are part of the United States Constitution and may be exercised by elected branches with the political will to do so. The Court may act, but its fellow branches may respond.  

This blog, the first of a three-part series, will discuss the Supreme Court’s powers under the constitution, Congress’ power to check the Court, and the history of Congress’ use of these powers.  

Public Statement

WASHINGTON — Today the League of Women Voters of the United States CEO Virginia Kase Solomón issued the following statement in response to the failed 49-49 US Senate vote on the DISCLOSE Act: 


Public Statement

WASHINGTON — Today the League of Women Voters of the United States CEO Virginia Kase Solomón issued the following statement in response to the passage of the US House bipartisan bill on the Presidential Electoral Reform Act: 

Public Statement

This year, civic organizations around the country recognize September 20th as National Voter Registration Day, registering hundreds of thousands of voters in a single day. This year, Leagues will host over 600 registration events and virtual activities in communities nationwide.
