Get involved! There are many ways to have your voice heard by elected officials and policy makers.
Take Action on League priorities today.
Click on links to learn about our priorities and what you can do.
Link to LWVNCA Action Alerts
The next President & Congress must enact democracy reform
The American people are tired of a government that serves only the wealthy and corporate interests. We demand a democracy that works for all of us. Sign your name to show the next administration and Congress that Day 1 is for Democracy. Demand that the For People Act is a first priority of the next administration and Congress. [LWVUS in partnership with Common Cause and other organizations]
Tell your Senators: Don’t rush the SCOTUS nomination
The American people deserve a Supreme Court confirmation process that builds trust in our democracy and ensures an independent judiciary without compromising any more lives. A lifetime appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court is too important to rush. Contact your Senators now to share why a rushed SCOTUS confirmation doesn’t help the American people.
Take Action: Protect the Postal Service
The U.S. Postal Service is essential to our democracy and plays a critical role to the success of this election in the middle of a pandemic.Protect the Postal Service: CONTACT CONGRESS TODAY! Contact your Members of Congress and tell them why the U.S. Postal Service is essential to our communities!
Take Action to Safeguard our 2020 Election
Contact Congress today and ask them to ensure more funding to safeguard our elections is included in the next stimulus bill. Click for more information. https://my.lwv.org/lwvus/action-alert/act-now-tell-congress-safeguard-20...
Take Action to Move the ERA Across the Finish Line
Reach out to your Representative now and urge them to support legislation to remove the ERA’s ratification deadline. See Action Alert on this website.
Demand a Hearing on the For the People Act
Contact your Senators right now to demand a hearing on the For the People Act.
Stand Up for DC Statehood
It's Time to Restore the Vote! (H.R. 4 / S. 561)
Read LWV CEO's Testimony to Congress on HR 4, given October 17, 2019
Take Action to Secure our Elections
Contact your Senators today and demand immediate action to secure our elections.
Make Sure Everyone is Counted in the 2020 Census
Pledge to be counted and to educate your community about the importance of the 2020 Census.
Tell Congress to Pass Sensible Gun Laws
Tell Congress to move forward with common sense gun legislation.
Stop Voter Suppression
Stand with the League in our fight to ensure our elections are always free, fair, and accessible.
Tell Congress to Honor the 19th Amendment