All The Abington-Cheltenham-Jenkintown Area Subscribed Action Alerts

Image of back of woman holding a sign that says ERA Now.  Woman's hat has LWV logo.  Vote for Women's rights

Action Alerts

The federal Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) has met all requirements for a constitutional amendment. Now we need your help to get it published in the US Constitution as the 28th Amendment.

image of classroom showing various children with their hands raised and a teacher at the front of the room

Action Alerts

We need a commitment to close the education funding gap in Pennsylvania. Governor Shapiro’s budget proposal this year is a critical first step to finishing the job of closing the unconstitutional $5.4 billion funding gap identified by the state’s bipartisan Basic Education Funding Commission (BEFC). Write to your legislators to support the K-12 budget proposal.

Photo of students of diverse race, age and gender holding signs that say end gun violence.

Action Alerts

Your voice can make a difference. Join CeasefirePA in Harrisburg on May 7th to demand that our lawmakers take action to End Gun Violence. You’ll meet with legislative offices and attend a mid-day rally on the front steps of the Capitol with elected leaders, survivors, youth, faith leaders, medical professionals, and other advocates to demand policies that would make Pennsylvania safer.

3 smokestacks of which 2 are spewing smoke

Action Alerts

Tell your PA Senator to vote NO on SB1058, a bill that would stop Pennsylvania from participating in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative or any similar program to reduce the effects of pollution in PA.


Gun Violence

Action Alerts

The League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania (LWVPA) believes that the proliferation of handguns and semiautomatic assault weapons in the United States is a major health and safety threat to its citizens, in particular children. For years, we have advocated for the passage of common-sense gun laws that protect the health and safety of all Pennsylvanians. Help advocate for the passage of two life-saving gun safety bills with bipartisan PA House Bill 1018 and PA House Bill 714.
Click Read MORE for details.

Environmental Clearing House

Action Alerts

The League of Women Voters of Delaware County has developed a Delaware County Environmental Clearinghouse as a central repository for the collection, classification, and distribution of information regarding environmental issues, projects, studies, articles, etc. for Delaware County, PA.

Click READ MORE for details.

Action Alert - League of Women Voters (Vote for Your Rights)

Action Alerts

Every day, the freedom to vote is under attack. Since the Supreme Court decision of Shelby County v. Holder that gutted the Voting Rights Act (VRA), at least twenty-nine states have passed ninety-four laws that make it harder to vote, with the burden falling hardest on Black voters and other voters of color.

Urge Your Representatives to Prevent Voter Discrimination and Support the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.

Action Alerts

Pennsylvania is one of only nine states with fully closed primaries, wherein only registered Republicans and registered Democrats may vote in a primary, shutting out 1.1-1.3 million voters  Bills have been introduced to the state legislature

Motor Voter

Action Alerts

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania now has a Motor Voter Law which is now in effect.
As part of the photo license process, eligible residents may make application to register to vote.

To learn more click READ MORE
