We rely on dues and donations to support our programs. If you would like to help us, please print out this page and fill it in. Mail it with your check to:
League of Women Voters of Fresno
1345 East Bulldog Lane #4
Fresno, CA 93710
Contribution Form
City____________________________ State______ Zip Code_____________
Amount Enclosed $__________________ Phone (opt)____________________
Email Address____________________________________________________
____ I wish my contribution to remain anonymous.
Please write your tax-deductible check to the "League of Women Voters of Fresno".
We are a 501(c)(3) organization.
Comments _____________________________________________________
Donate to the League Online -- To donate online using a credit card or electronic funds transfer, select your donation type and click on pay now button. You can chose the level of support to the League. Thank you for your generosity.