Join the League of Women Voters and Help Make Democracy Work!
The League of Women Voters is a respected national grassroots organization. Add your voice to over 100,000 League members and supporters across the country in making democracy work. By joining the League, individuals like you are actively engaged in creating positive change on the local, state and national levels. Become a member and serve as a leader in your community and work to shape the important issues that keep our communities strong. Joining is easy! Click here to join.
Why should I join?
Through participation in League projects, you will:
- contribute valuable service to the community
- gain knowledge and experience through the study and discussion of timely and important topics
- discover new interests, develop new skills and learn about crucial issues in your community
- make professional contacts and develop lasting friendships as you meet others in League who share your interests
How much time does it take?
It’s up to you! There are many ways in which you can work with the League. Some of those are public such as our forums, debates, and educational meetings. Other work is behind the scenes where members can be involved in advocacy/action, producing educational documents and brochures, registering voters, website and social media, graphic design, working with study groups to help shape the League focus, and much, much more!
What do I get?
- You automatically become a member of the LWV of the United States, the National Capital Area Inter-League Organization, the LWV Virginia and, your local League. If you do not join a local League, you are welcome to attend the meetings of any local Leagues but cannot vote as a member of that League.
- You will receive their publications along with The Virginia Voter, the newsletter from the Virginia League of Women Voters.
- You will also have access to many Facebook Groups which are for members-only where important issues or discussed and information is shared.
- You will have the knowledge that you are adding your voice to a powerful force of members from all 50 states, Washington D.C., the Virgin Islands, and Hong Kong.
New Member Tools
Not just for new members, so bookmark this page to use as a handy reference.
- LWV-VA Membership Guide - March 2024 Especially written for new members. The document provides the basic tools for understanding how the league operates towards achieving its mission. Click Here for the guide.
- League Lingo A handy tool to use with League members and other groups to ensure a common understanding of keywords, catch phrases and jargon.
- Bylaws – Operating parameters for the League. Treat them like speed limits: “If you don’t like ’em don’t ignore them, work to change them.”
- Using the League Logo – see LWVUS Page on this website for guidelines https://lwv-va.org/lwvus/
- Nonpartisan Policy
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion