The Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) is a bipartisan list maintenance collaboration between member-states to make sure that voters are only voting in one state and to encourage voters to register to vote in their new state if they haven’t done so. Until a campaign by election manipulators sought to undermine ERIC’s effectiveness, the list maintenance tool was widely accepted as the most effective tool available. Those seeking election have pulled their states out of ERIC to appeal to a more conservative base.
- May 11, 2023 Letter from Commissioner of Elections Beals to Mr. Shane Hamlin, Executive Director, Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) to remove Virginia from ERIC
- May 12, 2023 Letter from LWV-VA President Deb Wake to Commissioner of Elections Beals
- May 18, 2023 PodVirginia interview with former State Board of Elections Chair Bob Brink
- May 26, 2023 Kansas Reflector article regarding failed alternatives to ERIC
- May 29, 2023 Richmond Times Dispatch article regarding Republican-led states leaving
- May 30, 2023 Letter from LWV-VA President Deb Wake to State Board of Elections
- June 4, 2023 NPR Politics Podcast tracking election manipulator campaign re: ERIC
- June 6, 2023 WRIC article regarding next steps for Virginia after leaving ERIC