Your Support is Needed
Use these buttons to make your Contribution or Donation via PayPal, or just use this QR code:
If you would prefer to pay by check, print and complete this form or just send your check to LWV Education Fund, 1011 East Main Street, Suite 214A, Richmond, VA 23219.
We need your help to continue providing services to Virginia citizens such as:
- Registering Voters
- Educating citizens about issues and candidates (including but not limited to VOTE411)
- Providing information about how government works
- Candidate forums and debates
- And, much more
Ways to Give:
IRA Qualified Charitable Donation
Make a difference today and save on taxes when you support the League through your IRA, have checks sent to LWV VA Education Fund, 1011 East Main Street, Suite 214A, Richmond, VA 23219.
Legacy Giving
Defend our democracy for the long term by including the League of Women Voters of Virginia in your estate planning.
Become a Monthly Donor
Our democracy needs defending every single day. Your monthly reoccurring donation will provide ongoing support to oppose threats to democracy.
Employee Matching Funds
Many employers will match employee donations to eligible nonprofit organizations. It is an easy way to double your contribution to us. Contact your employers HR office or community giving department to find out if they have a matching gift program.
Your donations to the League of Women Voters of Virginia Education Fund, a 501(c)(3) are tax-deductible. As a tax-exempt, nonprofit organization, LWV-VA Ed Fund monies support advocacy*, education, and voter service activities.
Your contribution to the League of Women Voters Virginia [General Fund], a 501(c)(4) will not be tax-deductible. These funds are used to support action priorities through advocacy and lobbying on specific bills/legislation. Member dues & contributions to this fund are not tax-deductible.
Through your Donor Advised Fund
A donor-advised fund—or DAF—is a charitable account that gives donors substantial tax benefits and the flexibility to support causes they love, like the League of Women Voters. You can donate through your trustee platform (e.g. Fidelity or Schwab Charitable.)
Information you may need for DAF and legacy donations:
Legal Name:
League of Women Voters of Virginia Education Fund
1101 East Main Street, 214A, Richmond, VA 23219
Federal Tax ID Number: